Air Quality Protection
Services related to air quality protection
· Compilation of application documents for permitting of air emission sources
· Air emission sources' basic reporting and reporting of changes („LAL”),
· Preparation and update of manual and operation log for the equipment containing regulated cooling agents and the works requiring intererences with cooling circles
· Compilation of solvent balances
· Determination of impacted area of air emissions.
· Determination of protective zones
· Basic („LAL/fl”) and annual reporting on cooling equipment containing regulated cooling agents, registration of equipments at
· Annual report on air emissions („LM”),
· Carry out of periodic air pollutant emissions measurements
· Calculation of air emissions burden fee,
· Establishment of GHG emissions monitoring system
More about air quality protection services
Let us take any organization, ambient air pollution almost certainly mean some kind of obligation. The released materials and technology, depending on their complexity impose a variety of professional duties and obligations on operators.
We encounter many of these activities in everyday life. These include combustion installations, volatile organic compounds emitting technologies or various technologies that emit different types of dusts, or agricultural facilities, landfills, sewage treatment plants smell emissions, but we can mention the different vehicles as well.
Most of these need some kind of license, which at the competent Environmental Inspectorate shall be applied for. One needs to have an adequate level of preparedness to compile such a permit application.
The operators of installations must submit such permit application for the regulated emissions right at the start of the operation. Then following the issue of the permit they must provide emission data on the previous year annually and in some cases to demonstrate compliance with the prescribed limits at planned intervals by accredited measurements.
Larger-scale technologies may be required to determine the zone(s) of impact, in order to be able to model what emissions from the impact and at what distance may occur, and if necessary, the protection zone can also be determined.
Looking for the "best available techniques", the application of them has now almost become a standard requirement. This is also a professional task. Of course, such techniques are applied beyond the protection of the environment, due to economic interests. The operators of installations must pay air emissions burden fee after certain substances released, depending on their quantity and quality.
The operators of air emission sources must use various monitoring methods to monitor, measure, report, and carry out the verification of their emissions. These include keeping a logbook to, making a VOC balance, operation of continual measurement equipment, operation of certain monitoring systems to track and trace emission (like CO2), etc..