At this page we are going to show you some interesting projects that we have led or some in which we have participated.
Of course we work on numerous different projects that are either confidential or we do not refer them due to their sensitive business nature.
If you need additional information in respect of references, please contact us at the availabilities shown in the Contact menu.
Environmental Due Diligence Assessments, Hungary, neighboring countries
Over the past few years we have performed a number of due diligence assessments to help Clients to understand, quantify and find the options for reduction of environmental, health and safety and sustainability related financial and reputational risks.
Sectors concerned (among others): food processing, plastic packaging material production, automotive components manufacturing, agricultural lands, etc..
We regularly manage multi-site and multi-country assessments in the Central European region.
EHS compliance assessments at various multinational companies, Hungary
The objectives of these projects is to provide an independent view of the status of compliance . Depending on the scope and client demands, We carry out these assessments either as an individual assessor or as a member of the internal assessment team.
Clients include companies interested in the sectors of civil engineering, paint manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, just to mention a few. We are capable to provide reports in a few days in flawless English.
Environmental representative services
Currently we work on behalf of a number of companies as environmental representative. Clients include bot domestic and multinational ones, which are interested in various sectors.
This all strengthens our routine in doing the everyday environmental tasks and enables us to get to know various company cultures and get accustomed to them effectively. This also enables us the better understanding of our clients' needs and to meet them easily.
Establishment and implementation of an EHS Internal Audit System
The objective of the project is to help the company’s management to have access for quality information on environment, health and safety related information and issues in order to be able to make rational and effective decisions concerning these three areas.
The scope of the project covers the preparation of documentation system, trainings and full scale implementation of the system.
EHS management system implementation, Multinational electronics manufacturing company, Slovakia
As project manager our role was the support of the implementation of an EHS Management System according to the requirements of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. We had to work in a multi-cultural environment, to ensure that the Client’s demands are met and the company gets certified at the end of the project.
ISO 14001 trainings: Auditor / Lead auditor trainings –IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors) accredited courses
Over the past few years we led courses in Moscow, Belgrade and Sofia in co-operation with the TÜV Rheinland Academy Ltd..
These 5-day courses are in English, and we train participants on auditing ISO 14001management systems according to the requirements of ISO 19011. After the successful completion of a written exam, course participants may register at IRCA (International Register of Auditors Certificate).
Environmental and auditor training, leading multinational white goods manufacturer, Hungary
The objective of the three days training was to get the participants familiarised with the most important regulations, directives of the EU concerning the environment protection and chemical safety as well as to prepare them for auditing their suppliers.
The training was contained both theory and practical skills development.