
Services related to environmental permitting

·         Preparation of application documents for Preliminary consultation, Environmental Impact Assessment, IPPC Permitting according to 314/2005. (XII. 25.) Govt. decree

·         Comprehensive and Partial Environmental Reviews, Environmental  Performance Evaluations according to the law LIII. of 1995.  and 12/1996. (VII. 4.) KTM decree

·         Preparation of  the environmental chapter of Site Operating Permit application according to the 57/2013. (II.27.) Govt. decree 

·         Preparation of documentation necessary for building permitting, dismounting, site usage permitting, feasibility studies, settlement arrangement plans according to 37/2007. (XII. 13.) ÖTM decree

·         Water managment permitting according to 72/1996. (V. 22.) Govt decree and 18/1996. (VI. 13.) KHVM decree

·         Permitting of remediation and monitoring related activities according to 219/2004. (VII. 21.) Govt . decree

·         Air emissiion source permitting based on the requirements of 21/2001. (II. 14.) Govt . decree

·         Permitting of waste management activities as per the 439/2012. (XI.29.) Govt. decree 

·         Announcement of activities related to hazardous materials and preparations and their changes according to 44/2000. (XII. 27.) EüM decree.


More about environmental permitting

A company needs to obtain a several different permits during its operation to fulfil the requirements of the legal environment's obligations. The environmantal permits and permitting procedures exist in several different forms as well, which are also very diverse in terms of timescale and detailedness. We can only mention a very few topics which do not require the contribution or permit of the competent environmental authority.

There are longer and more complex licensing procedures- typically prior to the establishment –, such as the environemtnal permit or the IPPC permit,  which cover all environmental impacts that are related to the activities planned. These can only be held after a certain period of time in place, if the user of the environment environmental carried out a full or partial environmental review required by the authority.

There are procedures in which an environmental chapter or preparation of an environmental documentation required. In addition, a significant amount of permits are issued for the different releases, emissions, discharges into environmental media. These are the sources of air pollution, waste disposal, emissions to surface waters, groundwater, water use, location and allowing for the introduction of pollutants, remediation, environmental noise and vibration related licenses.