Some recent changes to the Hungarian environmental legislation
50/2013. (VIII. 27.) NFM decree on the amendment of the 1/2012. (I. 20.) NFM decree on the calculation method of the share of energy generated using renewable energy
72/2013. (VIII. 27.) VM decree on the labelling of wastes
316/2013. (VIII. 28.) Govt. decree on the rules of permitting and sale of biocide products
317/2013. (VIII. 28.) Govt. decree on the selection of municipal waste management service providers and the contract on the municipal waste management sevice
318/2013. (VIII. 28.) Govt. decree on the the fee of landfilling of wastes and the purpose of its usage
73/2013. (VIII. 28.) VM decree on the amendment of some nature protection related decrees
71/2013. (VIII. 15.) VM decree on the fees payable for the procedures of qualification of municipal waste management service providers
310/2013. (VIII. 16.) Govt. decree on the detailed rules on the waste management and waste prevention plans